
Common Terms and Conditions (based on BIMCO)

File size: 249 Kb (pdf)

Свидетельство № 005330 на право ведения аварийно-спасательных и других неотложных работ чрезвычайных ситуациях (ООО "Контур-СПб")

File size: 285 Kb (pdf)

License for the operation of explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities, the first, second and third hazard classes

File size: 1.71 Mb (pdf)

License for carrying out activities for transportation by inland water transport, sea transport of dangerous goods

File size: 1.10 Mb (pdf)

Лицензия на осуществление погрузочно-разгрузочной деятельности,применительно к оспасным грузам на внутреннем водном транспорте, в морских портах

File size: 1.08 Mb (pdf)

License to carry out loading and unloading activities, in relation to dangerous goods in inland water transport, in seaports

File size: 1.08 Mb (pdf)

Лицензия на осуществление буксировок морским транспортом

File size: 1.69 Mb (pdf)

License for towing by sea

File size: 1.69 Mb (pdf)

License to carry out loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods in railway transport

File size: 4.04 Mb (pdf)

Products quality

To ensure the oil products quality supplied to us we control the production chain through modern technology via our partners: two certified laboratories in St. Petersburg - LLC Inspectorate R and Saybolt.
